dpe.teletalk.com.bd Admit Card Download- Primary Assistant Teacher Admit Card 2020 (DPE Admit Card download)

Candidates have already started online application for the post of Assistant Teacher. The Directorate of Primary Education brought a big circular  out a few days back. The online application started from 25th of October. Candidates who are interested in the job ought to submit their application right now. They are requested to leave comfortable margin. Sometimes it happens that some candidates cannot apply due to their reluctance to applying before the exact deadline. However, you have to be careful enough about dpe.teletalk.com.bd Admit Card Download. If you miss to download the admit card within the given time, you won’t be able to seat for the examination. 

Primary School Teacher Online Application- dpe.teletalk.com.bd Online Application System

Primary Assistant Teacher Admit Card

When you go to apply for a job, you have to do some pre-and-post application tasks. As for prerequisites, you have to collect necessary information which you need to fill up the form. Otherwise, you may have obstruction in the way to form fill-up. Thus, you have to know first what the necessary particulars you need to apply. Then you have to fill up the form. Besides, you have some post application duties, for example, you have to preserve your User Id and password in a hard copy of documents. You should not rely only soft copy. Though you can retrieve the pin number by giving personal information, you still should take these down on a piece of paper.

After that, you have to download within the due date your admit card which is the topic of our present post. If you fail to download the admit card within the given time, you cannot take part in the examination. Therefore you have to be careful about your admit card download. 

dpe.teletalk.com.bd Admit Card Download Link

You can download your admit card from the official websites. The official website for downloading your admit card is dpe.teletalk.com.bd. After entering the site, you will find a button called admit card download. you have to press the button. Then you can see a box. In that box, you have to write your User ID and password. Consequently, you see a PDF file of your admit card. Then you have to download the file. That is all. 

Or you can download your admit card from our website as well. For your convenience we have provided the link for dpe.teletalk.com.bd Admit Card Download. Click below to download your admit card.

                   Click here to download Admit Card 


Primary School Teacher Exam Admit Card

As far as we know, the authority won’t delay to give the test. The exam is going to be held within 3 months from now. Due to corona virus pandemic, it has been already late. This primary school circular was to come in the beginning of this year. But the education ministry asked to shut every institution down. Now, the exam controlling board is unwilling to delay this preliminary exam.

So, candidates should study in full swing. There is not much time in hand. When the authority fix the date for exam, you of course can know from our website, as we don’t delay to spread true news. Moreover, the authority will send you SMS regarding dpe.teletalk.com.bd Admit Card Download. And, you will get notification from our website. In order to be updated as to any job information, you can visit our website or there is a Facebook page namely, BD Exam AID. You can get every detail of exam information from the above-mentioned pages. 

Primary Teacher Recruitment Exam Particulars

Despite you all know about the marks distribution, we feel imperative to remind you. The evaluation marks is 100 in total. The MCQ part contains 80. The rest (20) is for the viva voce. On 19th of October the directorate of primary Education has declared a circular which have 32,577 posts under Assistant Teacher category. People have already started applying online. In previous post we have give you job circular and online application link with which you can apply for the post. 

Primary Assistant Teacher Exam Syllabus and Marks Distribution- DPE Exam Syllabus and Suggestions

 dpe.teletalk.com.bd Admit Card Download

dpe.teletalk.com.bd Admit Card Download

For any kind of help as to exam, be it circulars or question solution, you can contact us. Keep vising our website. You don’t have to wind up in frustration. This is the right place.                     


About bdexam-aid 284 Articles
The author of this website has done his graduation from English department of Rajshahi University. He has had a wide range of experiences in terms of mass-media and communication. During his graduation, he has specialized upon both electronic and print media.