41th BCS Exam Date- bpsc.gov.bd Preliminary Exam Date


Bangladesh Public Service Commission has published 41th BCS Exam Date. According to the information given by the authority, the preliminary exam is going to be held on 7th of April next year. This is the tentative date of course. But the possible time span is the above-mentioned date. Owing to Corona virus pandemic, the exam authority could not take this exam this year. They won’t be able to give the test in the following two months in this year. That is why they have decided to take 41th BCS exam in the next year.

41th BCS Exam Date: BPSC Sources

The preliminary exam is going to be held on 7th April 2021. If everything goes well, if no hurdle may impede the authority, they would take the exam on due date. Earlier, this exam was to take place in March this year. But due to the outbreak of Corona virus in Bangladesh, it was not possible for the authority to give the test. Now BPSC has rescheduled the exam.

A large number of candidates are waiting to take part in the exam. The authority has completed the application submission stage. Now candidates have to download their admit cards before the due date. In the meantime, candidates have to have a clear idea about the bcs preliminary syllabus. According to the syllabus, they ought to prepare themselves well.

41th BCS Exam: A Glance on Some Issues

As a candidate you have to remember that a large number of applicants are going to take the exam. In order to get chance or pass the exam, you have to be tactful. You have to initiate your own scheme. You have to design you own strategy. You should not rely fully on others.

Of initiating a strategy, you need to do two things. One, you have a clear idea about the area or range of study, in other words, of syllabus. Second, you have to analyze the previous year questions. In another post of ours you get previous year questions with explained solutions. In the present post let us talk about syllabus.

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41th BCS Syllabus

We have to focus at first on the preliminary syllabus. Passing the preliminary exam is the foremost part for a 41th BCS candidate. Passing the preliminary is not that much hard if you can initiate your own way. At first you have to have clear idea about your strong zone. Also have you to have a clear idea about your weak zone.

You have to brush up your strong zone and you have to get out of your weak zone. This is a must. You cannot pass the viva with your weak points. However, for preliminary you have to focus on constant subjects. Constant subjects mean the subjects which do not change like general knowledge. So you have to give special attention on Mathematics, Bangla, English, ICT, Geography, Sciences. If you can do well in those subjects, you can cut your pass marks from these areas. Moreover, it will give you strong base for competition. You can cut 110 marks in those fields. In the general knowledge section, you will add some. All in all, you will get 150 marks. It is of course a formidable score. In order to pass the exam you must not get that many marks.

41th BCS Exam Date

41th BCS Exam Date

41th BCS Exam Date

41th BCS Exam Date

41th BCS Exam Date

41th BCS Exam Date

41th BCS Exam Date

                                        SYLLABUS FOR BCS PRILIMINARY TEST PDF


41th BCS Exam Date: an overview on the Circular

The job circular was published on 27/11/2019. Under general cadres, there are 642 posts. Under professional/technical cadres, there are 619 posts. Under general education there are 892 posts. 13 more posts for teachers training college. Therefore, in total there are 2166 posts in the job circular.

642+619+892+13= 2166

Primary Sohokari Sikkhok Job Circular 2020- dpe.gov.bd Job Circular

This is an enormous job circular, especially for general education cadre.  You had better have a direct look on the marks distribution and number of posts in the circular. Have a glance below:

41th BCS Exam Date

41th BCS Exam Date

41th BCS Exam Date

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Stay with bdexamaid to get the latest update regarding 41th BCS exam date.

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The author of this website has done his graduation from English department of Rajshahi University. He has had a wide range of experiences in terms of mass-media and communication. During his graduation, he has specialized upon both electronic and print media.