45 BCS Preli Result 2023 bpsc.gov.bd BCS Exam Result

45 BCS Preli Result 2023 is now an awaited event now. It is indeed a matter of satisfaction that an organization like BPSC can publish 45 BCS Preliminary Result within 3 or 4 weeks, of course, with consideration of the current situation. Despite the pandemic, BPSC can easily publish 45 BCS Preliminary Result within 3 months. In fact, BPSC should publish the 45 BCS result within a far less time. Because the evaluation method of preli answer script is through OMR Machine. It is thus a question that how BPSC can take so long time that can stem the energetic mood of the candidates. [পোস্টটি বাংলায় পড়তে ক্লিক করুন] 

45 BCS Preliminary Result

Recruitment procedures in Bangladesh by far the longest process in the world. Students are becoming desperate about their 45 BCS result. There depends a lot on the 45 BCS Preliminary Result on the part of the BCS candidates. How could a preli exam -which in the medium of MCQ- result be delayed. There is hardly any connection between publishing the 45 BCS preli result and the ongoing restrictions. (45 BCS Preliminary Result)

41st BCS Preliminary Result

45 BCS Result 

If BPSC cannot publish 45 BCS preli result within 2 months and the need physical presence at office, it can never organize an online test. At least we have to insinuate this out of the 45 BCS result drama. BPSC is only extending its time as if it would publish 45 BCS written result. It is really a matter of regret! (45 BCS Preliminary Result)

45 BCS Result 2023  

We have seen many candidates outraging about 45 BCS preli result. Because they cannot concentrate about their written preparation due to the 45 BCS result. Neither do they in 43rd BCS preli exam preparation. This takes place with the students who are considering themselves on the verge of cut marks. (45 BCS Preliminary Result)

41th BCS Result 2023 

Apart from those candidates, there are a lot of candidates who are quite sure about their result also show their dissatisfaction about 45 BCS preli result. It is a common event now in Bangladesh that getting into a government jobs will take much time from you. This is of course utterly unexpected. (45 BCS Preliminary Result) 

BPSC gov bd Result 2023 

Time is of course equally precious for each and every person. But person in responsibility often forget that. They considers themselves to be the only important and prominent persons in the country. Because there are a lot of candidates who has exceeded their age limit due to the delay. But their is not good decision or plan about them. This is once again a irresponsibility! 

(45 BCS Preliminary Result)

45 BCS Preli Result 2023  

A lot many students undergo a heavy year-log while doing their graduation. First, they had to submit themselves to the inevitable loss. Then, they must encounter a lot many problems inherent in the recruitment system in Bangladesh. In short, most of the students loss their mental strength to prepare themselves well for the examination. Many compromises with the jobs they may not want to have, only because of this delayed system. 

45 BCS Preliminary 

It is time now the authority considered and reconsidered the issues. Otherwise the country will have an irreparable loss. I wonder what is the use of a think tank in this country. How do they work? Or do they really work, in the practical sense of the word? If they work for the betterment of the country, why the present condition of the system comes forward. This is really a milli0n dollar question. 

45 BCS Result List Roll-wise 

However, there is no use of talking about the system. The makers are too stubborn to revise themselves and their thoughts. Therefore, it will be a vain attempt to give a possible solution to the present condition. Thus we are offering you the 45 BCS preli Result list below, whenever it may be published. Good Luck, despite the incongruence within the system!  

Waiting for the result to be published by the kind authority!   

See more below of this sort: 

  1. ৪১তম বিসিএস রেজাল্ট 45 BCS Preliminary Result | bpsc.gov.bd
  2. BCS Preliminary Question Solution 41th (with Explanation)
  3. 45 BCS Result Preliminary 2023 bpsc.gov.bd





About bdexam-aid 284 Articles
The author of this website has done his graduation from English department of Rajshahi University. He has had a wide range of experiences in terms of mass-media and communication. During his graduation, he has specialized upon both electronic and print media.