dshe.teletalk.com.bd Online Apply- DSHE Job Application

The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education has published a new job circular which proclaims a huge number of 3,000 posts for which applicants have do dshe.teletalk.com.bd Online Apply. In another post we have circulated the job circular. The job circular has been published in various national media. Our website was also prompt to publish the job circular. However, now we want to let you know the steps of application. We are going to describe fully about the application procedures. 

DSHE New Job Circular 2020- www.dshe.gov.bd Online Apply

dshe.teletalk.com.bd Online Apply

Before going to apply online for the posts, you have to have a clear idea about the steps and rules of application. Without knowing the necessary information, you cannot make a successful attempt. Let us now know some necessary information regarding the online apply. 

  1. Online form fill-up and payment start on 1/11/2020 and end on 30/11/2020. Applicants need to apply within the due date. After the form fill-up, the have to pay the required amount of money within 72 hours. 
  2.   In order to apply online, candidates need to enter into a website of Teletalk Bangladesh Limited, namely, http://dshe.teletalk.com.bd or they have to visit the official website of Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education www.dshe.gov.bd. They can visit any of the above-mentioned website to complete their Online Registration. 
  3. According to the instructions given in the job circular you have to fill up the application form. No mistaken application form will be granted.    
  4. After correctly filling the application form, you have to add your photograph. The size of the photograph is given in the Preview section. You need to crop your image according to the given size. The given size of your photograph is 300 and 300 pixel. You cannot add picture of more or less than the given size. the file size of your photograph is 100 KB in maximum. The authority would not receive more than this size.
  5. After that, you have to scan your signature and add along with your photograph. The signature size is 300&80 pixel. The file size is 60 KB in maximum. 
  6. Then you have to click on a declaration box. on that box, they are asking about your statement regarding the given information. you have to sign the declaration.


AfTer adding the photograph and signature, you have to submit the application form. Them you can see the application form preview. you have check the form again. You need to find the mistakes out if there is any. If you can ensure that there is no mistake, you may submit the form finally. Then you get Applicant’s Copy. You have to print or download the copy for further use. You will  a User ID in your applicant’s copy. Using that ID, you have to complete payment stage. 

You have to pay 112 tk in total. look at below:

First SMS: DSHE<SPACE>User ID  send to 16222. for example: DSHE PQBCR

You have pay the bill according to the job circular. Follow the job circular to complete the rest of the steps. After payment your submission will be granted only. The authority would not receive your application if you anyhow fail to pay the required amount.

dshe.teletalk.com  Job Online Apply

You can apply from any of the mentioned websites. There are two websites for this purpose. You can choose any of them. You can apply directly from those websites. You can apply from our website as well. for you convenience, we have given you the application box here. Click on the following to apply online.

                             Apply Online

dshe online application

DSHE Job Circular PDF

While applying online, you may need additional information. For that purpose, we have added the job circular here as well. I hope it will come in handy. The job circular is in the following. 

dshe.teletalk.com.bd online apply

dshe.teletalk.com.bd online apply

Click here to download DSHE job Circular PDF


About bdexam-aid 284 Articles
The author of this website has done his graduation from English department of Rajshahi University. He has had a wide range of experiences in terms of mass-media and communication. During his graduation, he has specialized upon both electronic and print media.