Eid Greetings in Bengali Wishes Cards Images Animations Gan Download

Eid Greetings in Bengali

Eid Greetings in Bengali along with cards, animations, images, songs for Eid ul fitr 2021. Eid ul fitr is the largest festival in Bangladesh. It brings forth happiness and joy. In line with the happiness inherent in Eid Mubarak, people usually want to distribute and share happiness with their close and even distant ones. Words of happiness come out of the core of mind. Therefore, we have tried to track people’s emotion. Accordingly, we have designed Eid wishes, card, greetings, images, animations and so on (Eid Greetings in Bengali). [পোস্টটি বাংলায় পড়তে এখানে ক্লিক করুন]

Eid Greetings in Bengali

This eid-ul-fitr is different from those of a couple of years back. As you all know, like the previous year, the government has limited the celebration of Eid Mobarak due to Corona virus pandemic. Last year people joined Eid Jamaat only for maintainng safety measures. People kept social distancing. They could not go to Eidgah. They had to offer Eid salat in the masque. In 2021 as well, they have to keep social distancing (Eid Greetings in Bengali). 

The virus is exerting a great impact on people’s daily lives. Thus it includes public and religious ceremony. However, the impact will fall upon the manner of Eid wishes this year as well. Before sending Eid ul fitr wishes, you need to pay heed to ongoing condition (Eid Greetings in Bengali).


    Eid ul fitr 2021 Greetings

Why Eid ul fitr 2021 when all eid is the same?  Why should we mention the year? The answer is the present context. Before sending eid greetings, you need to consider the socio-economic conditions of the receivers. So far as we know, people are suffering from economic, mental, social, familial crises during the pandemic. So, the manner of Eid greetings includes the consolation of that distress as well as the message of happiness (Eid Greetings in Bengali). 

People sometimes fumble for words. They have absolute connection with people. But it happens they cannot translate their emotion into language (Eid Greetings in Bengali). 

Eid Wishes in Bengali 

Considering all this, we have tried to project people’s emotion during the pandemic. Accordingly, we have designed Eid wishes cards animations, images for you. Moreover, we have collected some of the wonderful wishes from diverse sources. Our collection includes the writings from renowned writers both from past and present ages. You will find a number of posts regarding Eid mubarak. If you want to write your emotions in Bangla, you can follow this post Eid Greetings in Bengali. 

Moreover, you will find different outstanding eid greetings in English in another post. If you want to read this post in Bangla, you can do that as well. We have not left any options (Eid Greetings in Bengali).   


Eid Greetings in Bangla       

The medium of this post is English but we are going to write Eid wishes in Bengali. After we have given you wonderful Eid wishes that will suit for different classes and ages, we will give you cards and images. Let us give you Eid Greetings in Bengali one by one. It is better if you can write your own emotion yourself. But do not worry, we can read people’s mind. Thereby we have written and collected Eid greeting in Bengali in this post. Get Eid ul fitr 2021 greetings cards photos images animations etc. from this post Eid Greetings in Bengali. 

Eid Greetings No. 1   


ঈদ আসবে বলে আকাশের চাঁদখানি  হয়েছে ক্রিছেনট

আসবে নতুন চাঁদ আসবে নতুন  দিন 

আসবে নতুন বার্তা, মুছে দিয়ে জরা 

নামবে খুশির ফোয়ারা ।

হাসব  খেলবো  ঘরে ঘরে 

ঈদ ঈদ ছড়াবো ।। 

“ঈদ  মোবারক ২০২১” (শিশুর  ঈদ শুভেচ্ছা)

Eid Greetings No. 2

 নতুন সকাল নতুন দিন

শুভ হক ঈদের দিন 

নতুন রাত বাঁকা চাঁদ 

রঙ্গিন হক ঈদের রাত !

ঈদ মোবারক ২০২১ -ঈদের দিন  হোক  প্রতিটি দিনের ছবি”

Eid Wish No. 3

ঈদ মানে খুশি, ঈদ মানে আনন্দ

ঈদ মানে ভুলি হিংসা বিবাদ দ্বন্দ্ব

 ইদ মানে ভাসি আনন্দের জোয়ারে

ঈদ মানে খুশি পসরে পসরে 

ইদ মানে ভুলে যাওয়া যত দুঃখ কষ্ট ভয়

ঈদের মতই হোক তোমার জীবন দীপ্তিময় !

ঈদ মোবারক  ২০২১- ঈদের দিনের মতই  কাটাও জীবনের প্রতিটি দিন  

Eid Greetings No. 4

ঈদ মানে হাসি ঈদ মানে আশা 

ঈদ মানে তোমার প্রতি আমার ভালবাসা 

ইদ মানে দূর  আকাশে মিষ্টি চাঁদের হাসি

ঈদ মানে সুখের সাগরে সবাই মিলে ভাসি ।

ঈদ মোবারক ২০২১- ঈদের আনন্দ ছড়িয়ে দাও সবার প্রানে! 

Eid Greetings No. 5

যখন  পৃথিবী বিষাক্ত অদৃশ্য করোনার ছোবলে

এলো ঈদ এলো  ক্লান্ত প্রানে হয়ে 

শান্তির ছায়া, এলো সাহস, এলো ঘুরে দাঁড়ানোর প্রত্যয়

যে সাহস আজ আমার মনে ছড়িয়ে দিব মহাপ্রানে 

কর আনন্দ গাও খুশির প্রত্যয়।

ঈদ মোবারক ২০২১- খুশি ও সাহসের বার্তা নিয়ে এলো তোমার ঘরে। 

Eid Greetings  No. 6

ঈদের হাওয়া লাগুক প্রাণে

মন ভরে  যাক নতুন গানে

নতুন গানে নতুন সুর 

ঈদের বাশি সুমধুর ।।

ঈদ মোবারক ২০২১ 

Eid Wish No. 7

এবারের ঈদ তোমার মুখে কতটুকু খুশি  লেপটে দিতে পারবে জানি না, তবে তোমাকে শেখাবে কি করে বিদগ্ধ প্রতিকূলতার মাঝে  হাসতে হয় এবং হাসাতে হয়।  এটা যে সহজ নয় আমরা জানি। কিন্তু অন্তত এক মাস সিয়াম সাধনা পর আমরা এই শিক্ষাই পাই।  এবারের ঈদ তোমার মনে  দিক ধু ধু মরুভূমির মধ্যে এক আজলা জল পাওয়ার মতো শান্তি। 

ঈদ মোবারক – ঈদ মানেই আনন্দ  

Eid Greetings in Bengali: These are some greetings of Eid-ul-fitr. We will be continuously adding Eid greetings in Bengali, cards, posters, images and so on. So, you can visit this post for getting wonderful Eid wishes. Indeed, we will update this post with an interval of one hour. So, you will get new rhymes, poems, wishes, images from this post. Just get yourself connected with this post Eid Greetings in Bengali. 

In this section, we are going to add poems of different poets and writers. So, you will get Eid greetings of different depth and wit (Eid Greetings in Bengali).     

Eid Cards and Images

Another popular format of sharing Eid joys is making Eid cards and sending to beloved ones. Therefore, we are designing catchy greeting Eid cards in Bangla. In another post you will get all Eid greetings in English. We will give you a good number of Eid cards. Thus you will have the chance of selecting one of them. Let us go one by one Eid Greetings in Bengali. 

Along with Eid greeting cards, we are going to give you outstanding images. You can select a favorite image out of them. While selecting images, we have been conscious of using colors (Eid Greetings in Bengali).


Eid Greetings in Bengali:

Eid greetings in Bengali


Eid Greetings in Bengali:

Eid brings the moments of joy that last long in our life. It promises to restore all happiness and merriment in your life. After a full month of fasting, Eid really brings the gross hilarity in our life. The joy begins with the appearance of a new moon. As soon as we catch the sight of the new moon. our hearts blooms with bliss and mirth.     

ঈদ শুভেচ্ছা


Eid Greetings in Bengali:

Admittedly, Eid brings hope with it. It teaches us about how we can be and stay happy.  Along with, its brings forth the spread of love for each other. Moreover, it sends us the message of remaining together. It removes the concept of disparity. Eid celebration equalizes us in a single thread.    




Greetings in Bengali:


See More Greetings:


About bdexam-aid 284 Articles
The author of this website has done his graduation from English department of Rajshahi University. He has had a wide range of experiences in terms of mass-media and communication. During his graduation, he has specialized upon both electronic and print media.