Class 6 Assignment 5th Week 2021 questions and answer is the main target of this post. 5th week assignment syllabus has reached our hand. Immediately after, we have posted the 5th week assignment for class 6 and others. Now, students of class 6 are requested to visit our website. Then they can see 5th week assignment syllabus in a couple of posts. However, we are sharing the link of 5th week assignment for class 6 in this post. You can directly download the 5th week assignment 2021 by a click on the link.[পোস্টটি বাংলায় পড়তে এখানে ক্লিক করুন]
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Class 6 Assignment 5th Week 2021
Previously, we worked with assignment syllabus and sample assignment solution. In this year too, we are working with weekly assignment questions and answer. DSHE is giving weekly assignment due to Corona virus lockdown of institutions. Anyways, you all know that. We do not want to talk about that. Rather we want to give you Class 6 Assignment 5th Week 2021. But before that, you need 5th week assignment 2021 syllabus. If you have not got class 6 5th week assignment syllabus, click on the link below:
Now, we want to go directly to discuss class 6 assignment questions and answer. This is going to be a combined post of course.
Class Six Assignment 5th Week
I have said that this is a combined post. Because, we have given you all the 5th week assignment subjects. That means you get all subjects assignment solution in this post for class 6. Along with class 6 assignment 5th week, we will give you class 7 8 and 9 assignment answer as well. Students may see a menu bar in which there is a category namely DSHE assignment. You can enter into the section. You will get all week assignment answer together. However, let us discuss Class 6 Assignment 5th Week 2021 questions. Then we will give you 5th week assignment answer for each subject in the following.
Class 6 Bangla Assignment
As for Class 6 Assignment 5th Week 2021, there are two subjects: Bangla and Karma Shikkha. So, let us give you assignment solution one by one. But before we give you assignment solution, we want to give you 5th week assignment 2021 Bangla questions. Class 6 students are already looking for class 6 assignment 5th questions. Therefore it is necessary to give you class 6 assignment 5th week questions first. Let us see the class 6 Bangla 5th week questions.
DSHE has selected chapter-2 from Bangla book. If you do not have class 6 Bangla textbook, you download from NCTB official website. However, Class 6 Assignment 5th Week 2021 question is below:
অধ্যায়ের শিরোনামঃ মিনু
বিশেষ চাহিদা সম্পন্ন সহপাঠীর প্রতি তোমার আচরণ কেমন হওয়া উচিত বা অনুচিত তা একটি ছকের মাধ্যমে তুলে ধর।
Class 6 Bangla Assignment Answer
So, we have seen class 6 Bangla assignment questions. The answer of the question is easy indeed. Class 6 students can write the Bangla assignment answer. Nevertheless, we will give you a sample assignment answer here in our website. You can see the Class 6 Assignment 5th Week 2021 answer once, then you can write your own assignment. Download class 6 Bangla assignment answer from below:
Class 6 Karma Shikkha Assignment 5th week
Now, it is our take to give you class 6 Karma shikkha assignment 2021 questions and solution. We will see the questions first. Then you will get assignment answer. Let us see the questions.
So, we have given you class 6 karma shikkha assignment questions. Now, download the assignment PDF from below.
See more assignment of 5th week 2021:
- Class 6 Assignment 4th Week 2021 Science & Charu O Karukola
- Class 8 Assignment 4th Week 2021 Science & CharuKola
- Science Assignment 4th Week 2021 Answer Class 6 7 8 9
- Chemistry Assignment Class 9 Answer & Solution 2021