Class 8 English Assignment 2021 2nd Week ৮ম শ্রেণী ইংরেজি সমাধান ২য় সপ্তাহ

class 8 2nd week English answer

Class 8 English Assignment 2021 of 2nd week answer is available in this post. In 2nd week assignment, class 8 high school students have English assignment. Class 8 students will get 2nd week Class 8 English Assignment 2021 answer from our website. Earlier, we have given 1st week assignment solution of all class 6 7 8 9. Now, we are moving on to on 2nd week English assignment answer of class 8. From the beginning, our website has been providing weekly assignment syllabus and answer (Class 8 English Assignment 2021).

Our website is working for all exam aids in Bangladesh. So, high school assignment is our major point of concentration. Class 8 students can rely on assignment answer from our website. Because, we provide assignment solution from reliable sources(Class 8 English Assignment 2021).

Class 8 English Assignment 2021 2nd Week   

We have a team of experts who are working with assignment answer. In case our team members are busy, we take assignment answer from reliable sources. Nonetheless, if you have any question about our assignment solution, you can freely raise objections about assignment answer. However, DSHE 1st week assignments are done already. We have given answer to all subjects assignment solution of 2021 1st week assignment.

At the end of this week DSHE is going to publish 2nd week assignment syllabus 2021. First, you need to download class 8 second week assignment 2021 syllabus from our website (Class 8 English Assignment 2021).

English Assignment Syllabus Class 8 2nd Week 2021  

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education is publishing assignment syllabus 2021 according to the instructions of the Education Ministry. Amid this pandemic, the Government do not think it wise to open educational institutions. Therefore, DSHE has been publishing assignment since the previous year. This assignment train will be on during 2021 as well (Class 8 English Assignment 2021). 

class 8 English assignment 2nd week 2021


As soon as DSHE published 1st week assignment syllabus 2021, we started working. Now, 2nd week assignment 2021 is coming (Class 8 English Assignment 2021). Click below to download 2nd week class 8 English assignment syllabus 2021 PDF:

Download 2nd week full assignment syllabus 2021

2nd Week Class 8 English Assignment Questions

Along with class 8 English assignment answer of 2nd week, we are going to give you all subject assignment answer of class 8. Moreover, you will get all 2nd week class 9 7 6 assignment answer from our website. As regards, class 8 English assignment questions, DSHE will select some chapters from class 8 NCTB text book. If you do not have NCTB text book with you, you can download Class 8 English textbook from NCTB official website. 

When you get 2nd week assignment syllabus at our hand, we can discuss elaborately class 8 English assignment 2nd week questions. After watching 2nd week class 8 English assignment questions, we will go directly to class 8 English assignment answer. Let us see now class 8 English assignment questions in detail (Class 8 English Assignment 2021).


So, we have got 2nd week English assignment question of class 8. Class 8 English assignment question goes as follows:

Suppose you have a foreign friend who is very cautious to know about the ethnic people of your country. Now prepare a fact file on them. You can tell about their dress, food, culture, sports and pastimes in 200 words.

[You can use narratives, pictures, images, information, newspaper clips etc. to support your assignment]

Class 8 2nd Week English Assignment Solution 2021  

After seeing English assignment 2021 questions of class 8, we are giving you answer in this section. We do not delay to add assignment answer in our website (Class 8 English Assignment 2021). Thus, you can get class 8 English assignment solution faster than any other website in Bangladesh. However, we have given class 8 2nd week English assignment answer in the following. You can see and download class 8 English assignment answer from here. (Class 8 English Assignment 2021). 

We are saying repeatedly that if you have any dissatisfaction about assignment solution, you can let us know by commenting or contacting us (Class 8 English Assignment 2021).

A Fact File on Ethnic People in Bangladesh

There are a lot of ethnic people in Bangladesh, majority of whom live in Chattagram Division. The ethnic people have their own religion, culture and lifestyles. As regards religion, most of ethnic people are Buddhist and the rest are Hindus, Christians and so on. Apart from their religions, their primitive and identical lifestyles can be understood by their rituals and rites. Most of ethnic families are mother-led meaning that the families are matriarchal. The women are more hard-working than men. Besides, women are the source of income in an ethnic family.

They are extremely self-dependent. They produce their own food, make their own clothing and so on. They have their own language to communicate. Each ethnic group has a distinctive dress, dialect, rites and rituals. Ethnic people are good at hunting. Women especially are skilled in handcraft. They are very much cordial and hospitable. 

There are a good number of ethnic groups in Bangladesh. Among many, Chakma is the largest tribal group. After that, Marma is the second largest ethnic group in Bangladesh. Apart from the above-mentioned, there are Tripura tribe, Khumi tribe, Mro tribe, Lusai tribe, Khiyang tribe and so on. There are cultural diversities among different ethnic groups. One ethnic group is different from another. They are peace-loving, hard-working people in Bangladesh. They have recently advanced in education as well. The ethnic people in Bangladesh are extremely fascinating. 

(Written by: BD Exam Aid Team)   

a fact file on ethnic people

Click here to download PDF      

See More below:

  1. Class 6 Assignment 1st Week (2021) Questions & Solution
  2. Assignment Solution Class 7 1st Week 2021 বাংলা ইসলাম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা
  3. Class 6 Assignment 2nd Week 2021 Answer English BGS
  4. Class 9 Assignment 1st Week 2021 ৯ম শ্রেণী ১ম সপ্তাহের উত্তর
  5. Bangla Assignment 2021 Answer Class 9 8 7 6 Assignment
  6. 2020 Assignment Front Page Sample.৯
  7. Class 9 English Assignment 2021 Answer 2nd Week ৯ম শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি উত্তর

(নিচে ইংরেজি শিক্ষার জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়গুলি নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হয়েছে । আপনারা চাইলে নিচের অংশটুকু পড়তে পারেন বা স্কিপ করতে পারেন । কারন ৯ম শ্রেণীর ২য় সপ্তেহের ইংলিশ উত্তর আমরা ইতিমধ্যে দিয়ে দিয়েছি। ধন্যবাদ ।) 

DSHE English Assignment Lekhar Niyom 

Let us just talk again how you will write effective English to produce a handy class 8 English assignment (Class 8 English Assignment 2021). Students all over the country have a sort of fear about English speaking and writing. But learning English or any other language is not as much difficult as you think. Then what do you do?

See How to write a good assignment

Learn English speaking by speaking, reading by reading, writing by writing, listening by listening. In this ever-growing competitive world, there is no alternative to be good at English. Please do not take offense. I am taking your time. But if you follow my advise, you will be good at English one day.

English Learning Methods

This section has nothing to do with this post. Suddenly, I feel it important to talk something about learning English. You can read this section to improve your English speaking and writing skill. What is the first step of learning English?

Kick out your shyness and learn through your mistakes. 

No human being is beyond mistake. This is an inherent nature of human beings to make mistakes and then learn. The main obstacle of leaning English is your shyness about making mistakes. You may think what people will say if I make mistake. Do not think in that way. Otherwise you cannot learn English.

Okay, learning English does not necessarily mean learn to speak. You may be good at English. But if you do not practice speaking, you can never speak fluently. So, the more you speak, the better you can speak. The more you read and write, the better you can write. In modern time, speaking gets more importance. Therefore, you need to learn to speak English along with good English writing. In this post, I am going to talk about how you can speak fluently. And I will talk about Listening, Writing and Reading in some other post.


English Speaking Tips

If you do not feel like reading this section, you can skip. I have said already this is extended part of the post. We have already given Class 8 English assignment answer in the previous section. Anyway, Speaking in English is important in these days. Because, we need English for international communication. Moreover, the medium of higher education is English. You can not get a good job as well if you you are not good at English.

Every students have an inward will for being able to speak in English. But either they shy to speak in front of people or do not try wholeheartedly to acquire English. Of course, learning a language is tedious process. Give sufficient time behind your leaning English. Do not be impatient. Do following things to speak English fluently.

  • Listen to 1 hour or more English news channel a day or you can listen to English News Radio Apps in your smart phone. For example, you can listen to RADIO USA. For downloading Radio USA, you have to go to PLAY Store.
  • Open your Mouth and speak up. Do not be shy even if you make mistakes. Remember, mistakes only occur at the initial stage. After some days, the amount of mistakes and fumbling for words will be lowering.

  • Check details of each and every unknown words in dictionary. You can use your any English-English dictionary apps. 
  • Know frequently-used phrasal verbs and idioms. Because without knowing phrasal verbs, you cannot be a successful communicator.
  • You have to be able to identify every parts of speech in a sentence and moreover, you need to know the correct sequence of parts of speech.
  • Read English Newspapers. You can get online newspaper freely without cost.
  • Do the above-mentioned tasks regularly, you will be a good speaker and writer of English.

Stop wasting your time. Do not waste your time on mobile games. Be serious about your study. If you feel any difficulty regarding learning English, you can ask us questions. We will cordially answer your questions. Thank you very much for your patience. Best of Luck!   

About bdexam-aid 284 Articles
The author of this website has done his graduation from English department of Rajshahi University. He has had a wide range of experiences in terms of mass-media and communication. During his graduation, he has specialized upon both electronic and print media.